Archive for October, 2011

Whats up on twitter?

Posted: 23/10/2011 in Un poco de todo

Interfaz para visualizar los trending topics de Twitter.

El tirachinas humano

Posted: 23/10/2011 in Un poco de todo

Epico post sobre los juegos “sociales” al estilo farmville:
fusilado de cory doctorow en BoingBoing:

Who killed videogames? Beautifully written account of behavioral economics and social games

By at 10:53 am Wednesday, Sep 28

Tim Rogers’s essay “Who killed videogames? (a ghost story)” is one of the most interesting pieces of technology reporting I’ve ever read. It’s a long (long!) account of the mechanics of “social games” where psychomathematicians or behavioral economists or engagement designers (all variations on the same theme) create systems to make games compelling without being enjoyable. The sinister science of addictive game design is practiced — in Rogers’s account — by people who don’t like games or gamers, who actually hold them in contempt, and see no reason not to entrap them in awful, life-sucking systems designed to separate them from their money without giving any pleasure or service in return. I’ve always suspected this to be true, and Rogers’s account is awfully well-written and convincing:


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“It’s all math. It’s all math and psychology. By which you might say, it’s all economics.” I clear my throat. “Economics and philosophy. By which you might say it’s modern video game design.”